Tuesday 4 October 2011

Title System

You can get some Title if you satisfy certain conditions. And the title can ascending attribute of players. Now, list Some Title:
Title Conditions Attribute Instance
Probationer Level 10 1 1 1 - -
Strengthening the moon Strengthening a +7 weapon - - 7 - -
Soldier City kadena position to achieve - - - 3 Kadena
Balkeon Dead - - - 1 -
Assault Clear abyss by 4 players and all alive 0 0 2 2 Sanctuary Marion
Fearles Clear abyss 2 2 2 4 Maroda Valley
Toemasa Clear abyss by 4 players - - 5 - Forest of the Dead
Mino afraid Clear abyss by 4 players 6 - - - Temple Erukuru
Research site Clear abyss in 18 minutesS 2 4 2 - Ancient Temple - Chapel
Priest Clear abyss in 15 minutes 3 3 2 - Church Ruins - Cellar
Shadow Technology Clear abyss by 4 players and get SS MAXHP+1%,MAXMP+1% Shadow Forest - trail
The Conquests Clear abyss by 4 players and get SS MAXHP+1%,MAXMP+1% Valley of the Firn
Investigator Clear instance in 4 minutes MAXMP+2% Ancient Temple
Infested tomb Clear abyss by 4 players and all alive MAXHP+2%,MAXMP+2% Catacomb
Abbey Conqueror Clear abyss by 4 players and all alive MAXHP+2%,MAXMP+2% Silence Monastery - Cloister
Gargoyles Master Clear abyss in 15 minutes Defense+5%
Magic defense+5%
Sanctuary - Forest
Mantikoeo Slayer Clear abyss by yourself Min/Max Physical ATK+5%
Min/Max Magic ATK+5%
Erukuru temple - Altar

For a full collection of title please click: Title Collection


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