Saturday, 1 October 2011

Heraldry | Crest System

The Crest System is a special type of stat enhancing using special items found in dungeons.

*Heraldry also known as Crests 

Dragon Nest does not fail to deliver us more interesting ways to improve your character. Crest is another of many, yet unique ways to improve your character. Your characters have many Crest slots that are unlocked as they level up.

Heraldry/Crest System General Info

Crest Slots Unlocked by Level
  • 10 - 2 slots, Enhancement and Special
  • 14 - Enhancement
  • 16 - Skill
  • 18 - Enhancement
  • 22 - Enhancement
  • 24 - Skill
  • 26 - Enhancement
  • 30 - Enhancement
  • 32 - Skill
  • 34 - Enhancement
  • 38 - Enhancement
  • 40 - Skill

The picture on the above represents a character’s heraldry set. As you can see, the heraldry set is pretty organized and is broken up by type and level. Level in this case does not refer to the level of the heraldry plate but instead your level.

A Dragon Nest Character has Heraldry slots (the picture above are these slots). Each slot, at the beginning of the game is locked, and while leveling up, each slot will slowly unlock.
Refer to the picture above for the exact level needed to unlock that particular heraldry slot.

As each slot unlocks, you are allowed to put heraldry in that slot.

Heraldry can be found in dungeon instances, Dark Lair, or other users. Each Heraldry Plate is locked and untradeable until unlocked and gives the choice between two effects when unlocking it except Special Heraldry. Special Heraldry only gives one effect (quite a funny one too!).
If this confuses you, don’t worry about it and read on. I will explain in precise detail what I wrote in a bit.


Enhancements add an amount to basic stats. Some will increase more than one stat. The amount and the variety increases as the rarity of the Plate increases. All Enhancement plates require Onyx Lustres such as Crude Onyx.

Plate NamePrimary Benefit
SpiritedMP Recovery
DestructivePhysical Damage
MysticalMagic Damage
AdornedMagic Defense
UltimateFinal Damage
UnyieldingParalyze Resist
WillfulStun Resist
LuckyCrit Resist
Lustres Needed
10-14Onyx Fragment
15-24Crude Onyx
?Average Onyx
?Quality Onyx
?Superb Onyx
Lustre Quantity
Not every Plate is available at every level. Quantity of Lustres needed increases as the rarity increases.


We are not going to list all the Skill plates that are available as they are different for each class. Suffice it to say that you will know them when you see them. All Skill plates require Diamonds, such as Crude Diamond, to craft.

Additionally there are 3 slots at the bottom that have no tooltip. We assume they are unlocked via quests at 40 or reserved for future expansions.

Using the Plate System

1. Talk to a Scholar in a town and choose the [Craft Crest] option.
2. Place a plate in the menu. Plates can be found in any dungeons.
3. The NPC will let you pick the crest you would like to craft. He will also tell you the required lustres and fee.
4. Click on the Create button and the crest you have selected will be made.

The Crest Scholar makes Crests, obviously, which come in three types: Enhancements, Skills and Specials. Enhancement Crests use Onyx Lustres. For skills, each class has a specific Lustre that will be used for all skills for that class. For instance, Warriors need Diamond Fragments for lower-tier skills, and Superb Diamonds for upper-tier skills.
First, after you have your locked Heraldry Plate, find Heraldic Scholar Bailey. You can unlock your locked heraldry here.
When unlocking your heraldry plate, you will be given a choice between how you unlock it. You can only choose one choice. Let me explain the choices. The two choices basically give different effects. For example, one effect can increase the buff duration while the other can decrease MP costs. You have to choose one and then create the unlocked heraldry.

By hovering over the heraldry icon, the Bailey will tell you exactly what the effect of that particular heraldry skill choice gives.
Of course, not everything in life is free. You need to pay for Heraldry with gems AND currency. How much and type/number of gems depends on the Heraldry. It’s a given that the rarer and more powerful the Heraldry, the more expensive it will be.

Heraldry, once used, is permanent. You cannot unequip it, retrade it, seal it, etc. But worry not, if you find better Heraldry in the future and want to replace your current heraldry set, then you have the option of DESTROYING your heraldry.

To do this, right click on the heraldry that is destined to be terminated, and a popup will come up asking for permission is DESTROY it forever. So don’t go around destroying your heraldry by accident because you’ll never see it again if you do ^^; (unless you remake/buy it from another user).

This ends the basics of Heraldry. Read on to find out the very specifics…if you dare.

Brief Steps Guide

Now to get the Crests to fill those slots, you will need to find Plates with various names attached to them such as these:

How do you produce Heraldry Plates that can be placed on your character?
Find the Heraldry NPC available in all towns, except the starters. You would requires several types of gems to produce them.

Now that you have the plates, it’s time to take them to your favorite local Crest maker.
Select (Craft Crest), right click on the desired plate and then select the option you would like, to create your ideal Crest. Here you can see, given the same skill Crest, there are two choices to improve it: damage increase or cooldown reduction.
Once you have finished, you will now have an item you can insert into your free Crest slot.
It is very easy to overlook the Crest section of your character development, but do not underestimate their importance! Just a single Crest can increase your HP by 900 and that is HUGE for early levels.

How to get Heraldry Plates?

There are 8 Stats Heraldry slots, 4 Skills Heraldry Slots, plus 1 Special Skill Heraldry Slot.
There are 3 ranks of Heraldry, A (Orange), B (Blue) and C (Green). Rank A has the best overall stats, while Rank C has the lowest. Take note that only Special Skill Heraldry Plates are not being ranked.

Rank A:
  1. Available in Nests in Abyss Mode. There is a chance for it to appear after at the chest reward after completing the Nests. Only Stats Heraldry can be obtained from this.
  2. Available when a rare Gold Dimension Box is being opened using the Dimension Key. Only Skills Heraldry can be obtained from this box. Video Example: Gold Dimension Box getting Rank A Heraldry  
Rank B:
  1. Available in Abyss dungeons, for both Skills and Stats. These plates drop at a random rate, or appears at the chest reward after completing the dungeons.
  2. Available for exchange in Dark Boundary. Upon completing 24R or 36R, you get a certain number of dimension pieces to trade for these Heraldry Plates.

Rank C:
  1. Easily available almost in any Normal dungeons, for both Skills and Stats. These plates drop at a random rate, or appears at the chest reward after completing the dungeons.
Special Skills:
  1. Available in various Nests in Hell Mode. There is a chance for it to appear after at the chest reward after completing the Nests. Take a look at this video on how a player can use a Nest Boss’ skill such as Cerberus’ Dark Lightning. Cerberus Dark Lightning Skill Heraldry

 Notes About the Crest System

  • A crest is created by fusing a plate together with specific lustres, both of which can be acquired in various dungeons.
  • Plates are unequippable and untradable until they are crafted into crests.
    • Once equipped, crests cannot be taken off without being destroyed in the process.
  • Some crests (such as Enhancement Crests) are general and can be equipped by all classes, others can be equipped depending on your base class (e.g. Cleric, Warrior), and others only can be equipped depending on your second job class (e.g. Elementalist, Acrobat).
  • There are three types of crests: Enhancement crests, which bestow additional stats on your character, Skill crests, which modify certain aspects of your skills (e.g. higher damage, lower charge time), and Special crests, which grant you entirely new skills.
  • You cannot equip two of the same type of crest even though they have a different level requirement or rarity.
  • Crests require slots in the crest screen to be used. Slots are unlocked by leveling up. Access your crest screen by opening your character window (default key P) and clicking on Crest.
    • Each slot in the Crest has a Crest Type and Grade that determines what crest can be equipped on it.
      • In total, there are 8 Enhancement Crest slots, 4 Skill Crest slots, and 1 Special Crest slot.
  • The crest system cannot be used until level 10.
  • Plates use the same rarity system as equipment, and their stats of the plate reflect their rarity.
  • There are 3 grades of plates: Normal (Magic rarity), Quality (Rare rarity), and Superb (Epic rarity).


andiesin said...

nice guide , is very help full for the newbie player's
thank's :)

Anonymous said...


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