Saturday 1 October 2011

Fatigue System

For the NA exclusive Empowerment System, see Empowerment.

The Fatigue System (or FTG System) is used in Dragon Nest to limit the amount of dungeons you can go to. If you run out of fatigue, you are not allowed to go to any dungeon until it replenishes.
The amount of FTG that is consumed is based on a lot of factors:the dungeon, the difficulty of the dungeon, and the number of party members you go with are just a few. The more difficult the dungeon is, the more FTG you consume (a dungeon on easy will consume less fatigue than the same dungeon but on the master difficulty). Also, the more party members you go with, the less FTG is consumed. Because of all this variability, it is rather hard to gauge how much FTG is consumed.

Your FP Consumption is based on if your in a party of 4,3,2,or by yourself.
If your alone you waste more and if u have more party members you waste less.
The Hardest difficulty is "Abyss" And if you solo on Abyss your going to Waste 2x as much if you 4 Man party.

Theres also a CS item called "Vip" Which can give you 150 Extra Fatigue Points on top Of the 700 you already get

Daily Fatigue

You get 700 Daily Fatigue, and it is reset every day at 12:00pm PST (Japan Server, this will be subject to change).

Weekly Fatigue

In Japan only, on top of Daily Fatigue you get 1000 Weekly FTG. This will be consumed when you run out of Daily Fatigue. This is only replenished weekly, however, on Fridays at 12:00pm PST.

Fatigue Consumption

These tables are based on oversea servers (Japan and Korea), this will be subject to change in the North American version. tables here later

Forest of Shadow (Mountain Trail)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 27 27 40 54 N/A
2 Player Party 17 17 27 34 N/A
3 Player Party 13 13 20 27 N/A
4 Player Party 11 11 17 25 N/A

Forest of Shadow (Center)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 54 54 40 108 N/A
2 Player Party 35 35 27 70 N/A
3 Player Party 26 26 20 55 N/A
4 Player Party 23 23 35 48 N/A

Forest of Wind (Ancient Temple Ruins)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 37 37 55 74 N/A
2 Player Party 24 24 37 49 N/A
3 Player Party 18 18 28 37 N/A
4 Player Party 15 15 24 37 N/A

Forest of Wind (Church Ruins)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 80 80 120 160 N/A
2 Player Party 52 52 80 105 N/A
3 Player Party 40 40 62 83 N/A
4 Player Party 34 34 53 71 N/A

Forest of Wind (Vacant Plaza)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 80 80 120 160 N/A
2 Player Party 52 52 80 105 N/A
3 Player Party 40 40 62 83 N/A
4 Player Party 34 34 53 71 N/A

Forest of Wind (Chapel)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 68 75 127 164 180
2 Player Party 43 50 87 107 119
3 Player Party 34 38 67 86 94
4 Player Party 30 33 57 74 81

Forest of Wind (Ancient Temple)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 76 85 160 184 216
2 Player Party 60 56 107 121 142
3 Player Party 34 38 83 96 112
4 Player Party 30 33 70 78 96

White Mountain Peak (Fern's Valley)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 27 27 40 54 N/A
2 Player Party 17 17 27 34 N/A
3 Player Party 13 38 20 27 N/A
4 Player Party 11 11 17 24 N/A

White Mountain Peak (Fern's Forest)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 54 54 80 108 N/A
2 Player Party 35 35 54 70 N/A
3 Player Party 26 26 41 55 N/A
4 Player Party 23 23 35 48 N/A

Forest of Snow? (Witch's Road)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 37 37 55 74 N/A
2 Player Party 24 24 37 49 N/A
3 Player Party 18 18 28 37 N/A
4 Player Party 15 15 24 31 N/A

Forest of Snow? (Marlon's Palace)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 80 80 120 160 N/A
2 Player Party 52 52 80 105 N/A
3 Player Party 40 40 62 83 N/A
4 Player Party 34 34 53 71 N/A

Forest of Snow? (??? Point)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 68 33 125
2 Player Party 56
3 Player Party
4 Player Party

Forest of Snow? (Fearisuta's Magic Temple)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 64 73 114 126 128
2 Player Party 41 48 77 84 85
3 Player Party 32 37 60 64 65
4 Player Party 28 32 49 53 56

Forest of Snow? (Sanreisu's Abbey)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 80 80 120 160 N/A
2 Player Party 52 52 80 105 N/A
3 Player Party 40 40 62 83 N/A
4 Player Party 34 34 53 71 N/A

Crystal Rain (Maroda's Valley)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 67 74 123 144 174
2 Player Party 40 42 76 94 117
3 Player Party 29 37 59 73 93
4 Player Party 25 33 51 64 80

Crystal Rain (Maroda Mountain)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 60 67 96 120 184
2 Player Party 28 32 80 80 112
3 Player Party 20 24 48 60 95
4 Player Party 20 30 53 52 83

Crystal Rain (Whirlwind Canyon)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 76 85 134 166 202
2 Player Party 53 59 98 108 133
3 Player Party 41 46 77 87 105
4 Player Party 37 37 59 74 89

Crystal Rain (The Road Home)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 83 92 147 166 202
2 Player Party 54 59 98 108 133
3 Player Party 42 46 77 87 105
4 Player Party 37 41 65 74 82

Cadillac District (Forest)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 58 65 105 128 168
2 Player Party 37 41 71 85 110
3 Player Party 29 32 54 65 88
4 Player Party 25 28 46 56 75

Cadillac District (Center)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 78 86 129 156 194
2 Player Party 47 51 87 103 133
3 Player Party 35 42 67 82 85
4 Player Party 30 37 61 70 97

Reiko Reef? (Forest of the Dead)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 62 68 122 144 182
2 Player Party 42 46 85 94 146
3 Player Party 31 34 65 85 114
4 Player Party 28 30 55 73 98

Reiko Reef? (Death Swamp)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 70 78 157 154 230
2 Player Party 50 56 105 126 197
3 Player Party 38 44 81 100 157
4 Player Party 30 37 69 84 103

Reiko Reef? (Erukuru)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 89 99 187 220 236
2 Player Party 58 64 125 146 192
3 Player Party 43 52 99 115 151
4 Player Party 38 42 81 99 106

Reiko Reef? (Erukuru Alter)
Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
1 Player Party 105 116 186 194 182
2 Player Party 69 75 124 129 154
3 Player Party 53 58 95 101 95
4 Player Party 45 50 86 85 82


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