Sunday 2 October 2011

Empowerment System

The Empowerment System is exclusive to the North America Server.

Instead of using a Fatigue System, Nexon America decided to work on a system that rewarded players rather than limited their playtime.

The effect of this system is that it rewards the players with bonus experience when running dungeons on a daily basis. This comes at a cost, though: points, which are measured by the "PWR" bar at the bottom of the screen, are consumed upon running dungeons. The cost becomes more expensive as the dungeons' difficulty and level requirement is increased, and, when all points have been consumed, the effect will no longer take place for that day.

Players receive 800 empowerment points daily. And you get 300 event empowerment on the weekends. While certain events are ongoing, players may receive event empowerment points. From the way it looks is that its mostly beneficial to people below lv20 or so. And it seems like the dungeon empowerment cost does not decrease based on the amount of party members. No fear though. Leveling is relatively fast without empowerment if you farm the right dungeons. If you complete the series of commission boards there is a master level repeatable at the end. 


NA Dragon Nest does NOT have a fatigue system. Instead they have a Empowerment system. This Empowerment system, as we know, is NA Dragon Nest Exclusive. What this does is on a daily and weekly bases they give you an increased amount of exp for a certain amount of dungeons.

You get 700 Points daily and 1000 Points (or PWR) thats about 1700 for that day, and 700 untill I think saturday! The daily points are consumed first before the weekly. Its shown as a pale blue bar, once you used all the daily. The pale violet color is the weekly.

These PWR points increase the exp you gain from running dungeons. In my opinion, i think its best to run dungeons with your PWR in parties. In the following tips youll see why.
Just additional info that you can get more of these PWR points. Its called Premium PWR. You can get this threw cashshop if they release it.


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