Saturday 1 October 2011

Character Basic Stats

When you start making a character in Dragon Nest, characters' stats is one of the most important factor. Status, short for stats are numbers that determine a character's power, as well as how much hp, or mp you have, and many other things. Depending on the stat, it can have a major influence on how your character deals or takes damage.


  • STR = 0.5 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
  • 1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
  • 1 AGI = 0.25 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
  • 1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist


  • 1 STR = 0.25 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
  • 1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
  • 1 AGI = 0.5 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
  • 1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist


  • 1 STR = 0.5 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
  • 1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
  • 1 AGI = 0.25 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
  • 1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist


  • 1 STR = 0.15 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
  • 1 INT = 35 MP, 0.75 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
  • 1 AGI = 0.3 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
  • 1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist
*1 INT = 0.75 mag attack for mage, 0.5 mag attack for other classes.

    STR matters most to Melee Swordmaster / Mercenaries, Paladin.
    AGI matters most to Long Range Physical Acrobat / Bowmaster.
    INT is for magic users
    VIT is a secondary stat for all characters.


    Main Stats

    Stat Effect
    StrengthIncreases your melee physical damage, paralyze chance, paralyze resist, and stun chance
    AgilityIncreases ranged physical damage, crit chance, and crit resist
    IntellectIncreases your magic damage, magic defense, and max MP
    VitalityIncreases your max HP, physical defense, and stun resist
    WillDamage will increase or decrease by the same amount of discrepancy between you and your opponent

    Sub Stats

    Stat Effect
    Phys DmgDetermines how much damage your physical attacks do. This is affected by enemies defense
    Magic DmgDetermines how much damage your magic attacks do. This is affected by enemies magic def
    DefenseDetermines how much damage you take from physical attacks
    Magic DefDetermines how much damage you take from magic attacks

    So now you know what your stats are, you need to know what type of equipment matters most for your characters.


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