Saturday 1 October 2011

Dungeon Score

An example of how the main score is tallied.
While in a dungeon, the player will get points based on how well they do. At the end of the dungeon, they will get a score based on the number of points they get. The better score one gets, the more experience points they will get and chance for better, rarer items rises.

Score Factors

The main factors that affect score are combos, number of boss kills, clear time, and the number of people partying with you.
The more hits in a combo you get, the higher score you will receive
Boss Kills
Having the final blow on a boss kill greatly increases you score, but there is usually only one boss kill per dungeon, so when in a party only one person can get it.
Clear Time
The faster you clear a dungeon, the more points you get from this.
The bigger the party, the more points you get as a bonus.
Every time you receive damage, your score drops. Ranged characters (Archers and Sorceresses) are penalized more for getting hit than melee characters are. Each burn and poison tick counts as a separate hit.

Bonus Points

Bonus Points are obtained when you do certain things, for example, breaking a bookshelf. Some do not significantly affect the score, but others can make the difference between ranks. Below is a list of the possible bonus points.
Name Condition Bonus Notes
Skill Combo Land a critical hit +15 points
Get Item Pick up an item +10 points This includes gold, healing items, and equipment dropped from monsters.
Destruction Destroy a breakable object +15 points Includes items such as barrels.
Aerial Combo Hit an enemy while it is in the air +25 points
Stun Stun an enemy +25 points When the enemy is successfully stunned, there will be stars around their head.
Finish Attack Land a finishing blow on an enemy +125 points Both using a skill or a normal attack will count for this.
Shield Break Break an enemy's shield +200 points A shield can only take so many hits, if a monster has an animation of hiding behind the shield, the shield was hit. Depending on the strength of the shield, it will eventually break, stunning the enemy.
Super Armor Break Kill a monster when it is in super armor +240 points The super armor gauge is the yellow bar that shows when a monster cannot be knocked down or halted.
Massacre Kill several monsters at once +600 points "Several" is 3 or more monsters.
After entering a instance, you will see a variable score in the centre of the right interface. That is the score system which will determine your instance evaluation, so please pay more attention to it.
Many factors may affect this score.

Basic Factors

Number of Being Attacked, Combos, Skill Combos, Pursuit, Shield Break, Buff Break, Monster Killing, Item Collection, Skill Release, Skill Hit Rate, Item Use.
Each factor will bring different scores to different classes. For example, high combos and more times of shield + buff break decide warriors' high evaluation. While the small number of being attacked and high skill combos + skill release + pursuit are main factors for archers to gain a high evaluation.
Detailed explanations:
Number of Being Attacked: Your score will be deducted according to your damage when being attacked by monsters.

Combo: Points will be added to your score based on the number of your combos after your combo is completed or interrupted.

Skill Combo: Points will be added to your score if you release combined skills by combining common attacks and skills.

Pursuit: When monsters are stricken to the sky (by you or your teammates) and you continue to attack, your score will increase.

Shield Break: Busting through shields of monsters will add points to your score.

Buff Break: When monsters unleash buff skills on themselves, interrupting the buff will add points to your score.

Monster Killing: If monsters are killed by your final strike, your score will increase.

Item Collection: Picking up items or potions successfully will add a few points to your score.

Skill Release: Your score will increase slightly each time you release skills.

Skill Hit Rate\Damage: Your skill's hit rate will affect how many points will be added to your score.

Item Use: A few points will be added to your score every time you use potions from your inventory.
Extra Bonus Points
Extra Points will be added to your score when all stages are completed.
Used Time: The shorter the time, the more the bonus points
The Most Combos: The largest number of combos formed in all stages, the larger the number, the more bonus points.
Number of Passers: Points will be added according to the number of party members who pass through all stages.

In conclusion, how to gain a high evaluation?

  1. Maximize combos and damage output.
  2. Kill monsters and bosses with a final strike
  3. Smash shields and buffs.
  4. Don't be attacked by monsters
That is to say, you should cast those high-damage-output skills to kill monsters with a final strike or break their shields and buffs.

 Score Ranks

These are the possible Score Ranks in Dragon Nest, with D being the lowest, and SSS being the highest. The higher rank you get, the more will be rewarded. A higher rank will grant a higher chance of better chests, and the reverse applies as well. If you get more than one chest, you may only choose one chest; if you do not click within the time limit, the game will automatically choose for you.
SSS Rank Screenshot
Rank Number of Chests EXP Gain
SS 3-4
S 3
A 3
B 2
C 2
D 1 +0%


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