Tuesday 4 October 2011

Fatigue System

Fatigue system is created to prevent players from long time gaming.
Every character has 700 fatigue pointes a day, and it costs you several points to enter the instance. Harder instance needs more fatigue point. But you can join in a team to pay less point in a same instance than single play. When your fatigue comes to zero, you can't enter instance any more until tomorrow when the fatigue point will be reset.
Tips for fatigue:
1. Team work is better than single play.
2. When your fatigue point becomes zero, you can still enjoy your time in the arena.
Dragon Nest Instances
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Frostwind Canyon (Lv1) 霜风峡谷(Lv1) 1P 27 27 40 54 0
2P 17 17 27 34 0
3P 13 13 20 27 0
4P 11 11 17 24 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Frostwind Forest (Lv6) 霜风森林(Lv6) 1P 54 54 80 108 0
2P 35 35 54 70 0
3P 26 26 41 55 0
4P 23 23 35 48 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Forest Sacred Field (Lv12) 森林圣域(Lv12) 1P 58 65 105 128 168
2P 37 41 71 85 110
3P 29 32 54 65 88
4P 25 28 46 56 75
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Death Forest (Lv13) 死亡森林(Lv13) 1P 62 68 126 162 220
2P 42 46 85 106 146
3P 31 34 65 85 114
4P 28 30 57 73 98
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Sleepers' Temple (Lv14) 沉睡者神殿(Lv14) 1P 89 99 187 220 292
2P 58 64 125 146 192
3P 43 52 99 115 151
4P 40 42 81 99 131
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Shadow Forest Foothill (Lv1) 阴影森林山麓(Lv1) 1P 27 27 40 54 0
2P 17 17 27 34 0
3P 13 13 20 27 0
4P 11 11 17 24 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Ruins of Ancient Temple (Lv3) 古代神殿遗迹(Lv3) 1P 37 37 55 74 0
2P 24 24 37 49 0
3P 18 18 28 37 0
4P 15 15 24 31 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Parelina's Rest (Lv3) 帕雷利娜安息处(Lv3) 1P 37 37 55 74 0
2P 24 24 37 49 0
3P 18 18 28 37 0
4P 15 15 24 31 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Corridor of Silent Monastery (Lv5) 寂静修道院回廊(Lv5) 1P 80 80 120 160 0
2P 52 52 80 105 0
3P 40 40 62 83 0
4P 34 34 53 71 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Grave (Lv5) 墓穴(Lv5) 1P 80 80 120 160 0
2P 52 52 80 105 0
3P 40 40 62 83 0
4P 34 34 53 71 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Center of Shadow Forest (Lv6) 阴影森林中心(Lv6) 1P 54 54 80 108 0
2P 35 35 54 70 0
3P 26 26 41 55 0
4P 23 23 35 48 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Maria Hall (Lv7) 马里安殿堂(Lv7) 1P 80 80 120 160 0
2P 52 52 80 105 0
3P 40 40 62 83 0
4P 34 34 53 71 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Dig Site of Ancient Temple (Lv7) 古代神殿发掘场(Lv7) 1P 80 80 120 160 0
2P 52 52 80 105 0
3P 40 40 62 83 0
4P 34 34 53 71 0
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Raiders' Nest (Lv9) 袭击者巢穴(Lv9) 1P 67 74 114 144 178
2P 40 42 76 94 117
3P 29 34 59 73 93
4P 25 33 51 64 80
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Groan Canyon (Lv10) 叹息峡谷(Lv10) 1P 76 85 147 166 202
2P 53 59 98 108 133
3P 33 46 77 87 105
4P 37 37 65 74 89
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Raiders' Ambush (Lv14) 袭击者埋伏点(Lv14) 1P 60 67 96 120 168
2P 28 32 64 80 112
3P 20 24 48 60 88
4P 26 30 53 61 76
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Grave Assembly Place (Lv16) 墓穴集会场(Lv16) 1P 81 90 160 184 216
2P 50 56 107 121 142
3P 38 44 83 96 112
4P 36 40 76 78 83
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Temple's Chapel (Lv16) 神殿礼拜堂(Lv16) 1P 67 75 129 150 180
2P 43 50 87 107 119
3P 34 38 67 86 94
4P 29 33 57 67 70
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Peorista Magic Research Institute (Lv18) 佩奥里斯塔魔法研究所(Lv18) 1P 65 73 114 126 144
2P 41 48 77 84 94
3P 32 37 60 64 73
4P 28 32 42 53 56
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Main Hall of Silent Monastery (Lv18) 寂静修道院正殿(Lv18) 1P 86 96 163 212 256
2P 57 63 110 139 169
3P 45 50 86 110 133
4P 37 42 73 87 102
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Road of No Return (Lv20) 不归之路(Lv20) 1P 83 92 151 180 228
2P 54 59 102 119 151
3P 42 46 78 94 118
4P 37 41 69 81 102
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Death Basin (Lv20) 死亡盆地(Lv20) 1P 70 78 157 192 298
2P 50 56 105 126 197
3P 38 44 81 100 157
4P 30 34 62 68 133
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Center of Sacred Field (Lv22) 圣域中心(Lv22) 1P 78 86 129 156 218
2P 47 51 87 103 145
3P 35 42 67 82 113
4P 33 37 61 73 97
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Prayers' Rest (Lv22) 祈祷者安息处(Lv22) 1P 105 116 186 194 234
2P 69 75 124 129 154
3P 53 58 95 101 121
4P 45 50 83 85 105
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Islet (Lv26) 孤岛(Lv26) 1P 80 88 150 196 234
2P 53 58 100 130 156
3P 42 46 79 103 123
4P 36 40 68 89 106
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Dark Overlord's Manor (Lv26) 黑暗大君主领地(Lv26) 1P 104 116 186 236 289
2P 67 75 124 155 197
3P 54 58 95 122 157
4P 46 50 83 106 133
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Ruins of River Downstream (Lv28) 江下游废墟(Lv28) 1P 116 129 226 294 366
2P 75 85 152 196 244
3P 58 65 119 155 191
4P 50 57 102 131 163
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Collapsed Mine (Lv28) 塌陷的矿山(Lv28) 1P 105 116 189 254 310
2P 69 75 127 168 204
3P 53 58 98 131 163
4P 45 50 86 114 139
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Dark Manor Garrison's Stronghold (Lv28) 黑暗领地守备队据点(Lv28) 1P 108 120 201 250 330
2P 71 79 134 166 219
3P 57 63 105 131 173
4P 49 53 91 113 149
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Submerged Area of River Downstream (Lv30) 江下游淹没地(Lv30) 1P 94 105 172 230 288
2P 61 69 115 152 190
3P 49 53 90 119 152
4P 41 45 78 103 128
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Dark Overlord's Drill Ground (Lv30) 黑暗大君主练兵场(Lv30) 1P 120 132 240 312 408
2P 80 88 160 208 272
3P 60 68 124 164 212
4P 52 60 108 140 184
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Dried Marisa Spring (Lv30) 枯竭的玛丽莎泉(Lv30) 1P 59 65 103 132 180
2P 38 41 70 87 119
3P 29 32 54 67 94
4P 25 28 45 58 81
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Dark Mine (Lv24) 黑暗矿山(Lv24) 1P 59 65 103 132 180
2P 38 41 70 87 119
3P 29 32 54 67 94
4P 25 28 45 58 81
Instance In Chinese Player Easy Normal Hard Master Abyss
Outcast Weldonharu (Lv24) 被遗弃的韦尔顿哈鲁(Lv24) 1P 97 108 178 228 282
2P 64 71 120 151 186
3P 49 54 95 118 149
4P 41 46 79 102 125
*All the instance names above are literally translated from their Korean or Chinese names. We'll replace them with their official English names immediately when the English version of Dragon Nest is released.


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